⚠️ This page is a work-in-progress and is subject to change at any time.
Footpath is a custom version of the Sujiko Scholarship (WL) application process.
Users connect their wallet, sign in with Twitter and Discord, and answer a few questions.

What can be customized?
SolWorks offer bespoke customization for:
- The color scheme - we can customize all colors within the application process UI.
- All 4 questions (including categories) - we can extend or remove these, and change the answer types (i.e. to support multiple links as an answer).
- Required social accounts - we can enable or disable the step asking the user to connect their Discord or Twitter account to their profile.
- Access management - we define 1 or more addresses representing team users that can access the team dashboard shown below.
- Approval image preview (see here) - we will work together to update the image to your designs if required, or you can just use our own.
Team Dashboard
The project’s team can review applications and approve/reject them from the Team Dashboard. The team have the ability to filter by:
- Twitter handle
- Category user falls into
- Followers count
- Following count