

There's no place to view a list of the protocols, dApps and NFTs within the space without getting lost in a black hole. Some mobile wallets allow you to save a list of frequently used protocols but these are restricted to your mobile. A major pain for any real power user.

Enter solapps.dev - a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use application directory. We curate only the best for our users.

v1 is a basic application directory. v2 brings cross-device favorites. v3 brings native @solanamobile support.

solapps.dev 🏠

solapps.dev 🏠

Find a project

You can search for a project by name using the search bar. Just tap the search bar and type.

Search by project name.

Search by project name.

You can also find a project by category. Open the menu and click on the Categories section.

Infrastructure category on solapps.dev.

Infrastructure category on solapps.dev.

What you’re shown

Let’s breakdown what we are shown when we view a project on SolApps. Here’s what Switchboard looks like:

Switchboard on solapps.dev.

Switchboard on solapps.dev.

Going left to right, we have the application panel with: